State Policy of Museums

Postado em: 18 de junho de 2020 |

The state policy of culture consists of a set of initiatives aiming the production, distribution and use of culture in the State of São Paulo. In the museological field, the civil society’s participation on the decisions related to the planning of cultural actions has increased, through the work of the groups of the Regional Representative of the State System of Museums and the yearly editions of the Paulista Meeting of Museums.

Currently, the SISEM-SP is coordinated by the Unit of Preservation of the Museological Heritage of the State of São Paulo (UPPM/SCEC) and by the Technical Group of Coordination of the State System of Museums (GTC SISEM-SP) and has had its work being performed by the technical support team from ACAM Portinari. It is still supported by the contributions of all the 18 museums from the SCEC, through the Integration to SISEM-SP Programme, always present in the museum’s management contracts in order to share knowledge and standard practices with the other museums from São Paulo.

It is important to understand the synergy between UPPM and SISEM-SP, expressed in the sharing of the guiding concepts of their actions showed in their Mission, Vision and institutional Values, which are the same for both institutions.


To promote the preservation, the research and the communication of the cultural heritage of the Paulista museums in favour of the citizens’ right to participate widely, to memory and to cultural diversity, through formulation and introduction of public policies for the museological field and promotions of these museums.


To be a reference for the museological field through actions developed through public policies focused on the museums from São Paulo, promoting the society’s use of the cultural heritage and guarantying the right to culture and to memory.


Commitment to the principles of ethics, performing its actions with integrity, transparency and respect.

  1. Internal Dimension
    • Appreciation – Appreciation of the Human Resources through the commitment to the personal and professional growth of the team.
    • Cooperation – Search for a collaborative environment where there is cooperation among the members of the team.
    • Innovation – Continuous enhancement of processes, management models and technologies.
  2. External Dimension
    • Commitment to the Results – Continuous efforts to reach effectively, efficiently and effectually the strategic objectives of preservation, research and communication of the museological heritage from São Paulo.
    • Focus on the sociocultural responsibility – The efforts aim the change of the museological heritage into development resource of the citizen.


The following files present the initial subsidies adopted for the elaboration of the State policy for museums in São Paulo, the base document for the State Policy for Museums and a history of the trajectory of public policies for culture in the State of São Paulo.

Download “Trajetória das Políticas Públicas da Cultura no Estado de São Paulo - Plano Estadual de Cultura de São Paulo”

Plano-Estadual-de-Cultura_Histórico.pdf – Baixado 3430 vezes – 219,85 KB

Download “Subsídios para a Política Estadual de Museus”

Subsidios-para-a-politica-estadual-de-museus-1.pdf – Baixado 3426 vezes – 254,71 KB

Download “Documento Base para Política Estadual de Museus”

Documento-base-para-politica-estadual-de-museus-_atualizado-jun_14_-_1_.pdf – Baixado 3259 vezes – 89,37 KB
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Régua de logos com logo da ACAM Portinari, SISEM-SP e Secretaria da Cultura, Economia e Indústria Criativas - Governo do Estado de São Paulo