What is it?

Postado em: 18 de junho de 2020 |

The State System of Museums (SISEM-SP), organ of theSecretariat of Creative Culture, Economy and Industry of the State of São Paulo (SEC), gather and connects the museum from São Paulo, aiming to promote the qualification and the institutional enhancement for the preservation, research and diffusion of the museological collection of the State. In their last mapping, done in 2010, 415 public and private museological institutions were listed, spread across 190 cities of the state.

The SISEM-SP is structured on the premises of partnership and shared-responsibilities, whose actions are planned for each administrative area, being conceived according to the context, the demands and the local potentialities. In total, the system works in five different types of actions: connection, technical support, communication, training and promotion.

Currently, the SISEM-SP is coordinated by the Unit of Preservation of the Museological Heritage of the Secretariat of Creative Culture, Economy and Industry of São Paulo (UPPM/SEC) through the Technical Group of Coordination of the State System of Museums (GTC SISEM-SP).

To access the legislation which structures the SISEM-SP, click here.

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Régua de logos com logo da ACAM Portinari, SISEM-SP e Secretaria da Cultura, Economia e Indústria Criativas - Governo do Estado de São Paulo